Pokerowe zwroty

Jeżeli chcesz odnieść sukces w świecie pokera, musisz upewnić się, że rozumiesz kluczową terminologię i zasady gry w pokera, aby nie dać się złapać na braku wiedzy. Kluczem do sukcesu podczas gry w pokera jest bystre oko, pewność siebie i dobre zrozumienie terminologii pokerowej, abyś mógł ocenić przebieg gry. Dla tych, którzy są nowicjuszami w tej grze, pokerowy żargon może brzmieć jak zupełnie inny język, a to może robić różnicę między wygraną, a przegraną. Zapoznaj się z naszym słownikiem terminów pokerowych, aby nauczyć się żargonu, którego będziesz potrzebować, aby dojść do stołu finałowego, lub odwiedź naszą szkołę pokera, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.


Ace high  

Układ pokerowy składający się z pięciu różnych kart, w tym asa.


Wykonanie zagrania (betu, sprawdzenia, przebicia lub foldu) w wyznaczonym czasie.


Ruch danego gracza. Bet, wliczając w to wszystkie sprawdzenia innych zakładów

Action card

W grze Texas Hold’em, a także w innych wariantach pokera z kartami wspólnymi, karta, która w momencie pojawienia się na stole, powoduje pobudzenie do większej aktywności. O Action Card mówimy wtedy, gdy dana karta zwiększa szansę na zwycięstwo przynajmniej dwóch graczy biorących udział w rozgrywce.

Aktywyny gracz

Gracze aktywnie uczestniczący w rozdaniu. Jeżeli w rozdaniu mamy również pule poboczne, aktywnym zawodnikiem określamy również gracza będącego na all-inie, który rywalizuje o jedną z kilku pól.


Możliwość dokupienia dodatkowej liczby żetonów przed odpadnięciem z turnieju. W grze turniejowej, określany mianem pojedynczego rebuy’a, który  dostępny jest dla wszystkich graczy bez względu na wielkość ich stacka – zazwyczaj dostępny po zakończeniu okresu rebuy. 


Wykonanie oczywistego ruchu lub odsłonięcie karty, aby celowo dać przeciwnikowi wrażenie na temat swojego stylu gry.


Jeden ze stylów gry, bazujący na częstym wykonywaniu zakładów otwierających lub podbijaniu, zamiast sprawdzania lub czekania.

Aggression factor

Czynnik określający agresje gracza w danej rundzie licytacji.


Odnosi się do ręki o zerowej wartości, która jest gorsza niż ace-high.


Zagranie gracza za wszystkie posiadane żetony.


Zagranie dozwolone, ale niezgodne z etyką gry.


Obowiązkowy zakład pobierany automatycznie od wszystkich graczy przed rozpoczęciem rozdania (uwaga: tylko w wybranych grach).

Ante off

W grze turniejowej, zmuszenie nieobecnego rywala do kontynuacji opłacania ante, blindów i innych wymuszonych zakładów, tak aby walka pozostała uczciwa w stosunku do innych graczy.

Any two cards

Wyrażenie używane w Texas Hold’em, określające podejmowanie decyzji w rozdaniu bez oceniania siły swojej ręki.




Draw do którego skompletowania konieczne są dwie lub więcej kart. Układ, który udało się skompletować mimo, że nie to było zamiarem gracza.

Back into

Wygranie rozdania z ręką, która początkowo miała zostać spasowana po dowolnym zagraniu rywala.

Bad beat

Przegrać rozdanie z ręką, która początkowo była zdecydowanie lepsza z graczem, którego ręka była zdecydowanie słabsza.


Rozgrywanie różnych rąk w podobny sposób, aby utrudnić rywalowi zdobycie cennych informacji na temat stylu gry.


Określona kwota pieniędzy, którą gracz przeznacza wyłącznie na grę w pokera.

Bankroll management

Zarządzanie kapitałem, czyli wybór odpowiednich właściwych stawek i gier, celem uniknięcia bankructwa.


Określenie ma dwa znaczenia. 1. Termin używany w momencie gdy nie ma się obecnie najlepszego układu. 2. Termin określający ilość żetonów/pieniędzy, które gracz ma w stacku (nie liczą się żetony, które gracz zainwestował już w rozdanie).


Każda kwota wyrażana w żetonach wkładana do puli w trakcie rozdania. W grach ze stałym limitem (fixed limit) to stała kwota.

Betting structure

Kompletny zestaw zasad dotyczących obowiązkowych zakładów, limitów, podbić dla określonej gry.

Big bet game

Gra rozgrywana w strukturze no limit lub pot limit.


Ogólny termin określający małą lub dużą w ciemno. Gracz na pozycji małej ciemnej siedzi po lewej od dealera podczas gdy gracz z dużej ciemnej na kolejnym miejscu.

Big blind

Stanowi dwukrotność small blinda. Obowiązkowy zakład wykonywany w ciemno przed rozdaniem kart.

Big blind special

Rozdanie wygrane z pozycji big blinda przy użyciu słabych kart, ponieważ nie było żadnego podbicia preflop.

Big full

Najlepszy możliwy full w grach, w których występują karty wspólne.

Big stack

Wysokość stacka, która jest zdecydowanie wyższa niż innych zasiadających przy stole / w turnieju. Określenie to często wykorzystywane jest również w odniesieniu do turniejów, w których mamy duży stack startowy (turnieje deep stack).


Karta, która nie ma większego znaczenia i raczej nie poprawia układu żadnego z graczy.


Konsekwentna utrata żetonów z powodu złej gry, najczęściej wynika z tiltu.

Blind defense

Sprawdzenie lub przebicie z pozycji blinda, kiedy wcześniej jeden z rywali zdecydował się na podbicie. Zagranie ma na celu obronę już zainwestowanych w pulę żetonów.

Blind steal

Kiedy pozostali gracze spasowali, podbicie z późnej pozycji ze słabą ręką w celu wygrania blindów oraz ante.


Karta którą trzymamy, a która jednocześnie stanowi out naszego rywala. Najczęściej używamy tego określenia gdy board ma potencjał na strita.

Blocking bet

Nietypowo niski zakład dokonany przez zawodnika grającego bez pozycji, w celu zablokowania większego zakładu przez rywala.


Zakład z ręką, która matematycznie ma niskie szanse na wygraną, dokonywany z nadzieją, że gracze będą postrzegać go jako oznakę silnego układu i spasują karty.

Bluff catching range

Ręce, które nie mają zbyt dużej wartości w showdownie, ale wciąż mogą być dobre do ewentualnego złapania rywala na blefie.

Bluff induce

Wykonanie agresywnego zagrania z silnym układem, aby spróbować przekonać innych graczy, że blefujemy.


Wszystkie karty wspólne, które lądują na środku stołu. Odkryte karty danego gracza w grach stud. 


Potoczna nazwa dla fulla.

Bottom end

Najniższy możliwy strit do utworzenia w danym rozdaniu.

Bottom pair, bottom set

W grach z boardem, określenie to dotyczy pary (lub seta) którą udało się zdobyć dzięki najniższej karcie wspólnej i jednej lub dwóm kartom własnym.


Występuje w określonych turniejach. Nagroda przyznawana za eliminację gracza z turnieju.


Przerwa podczas turnieju pokerowego.


Inaczej blank. Karta, która prawdopodobnie nie ma większego wpływu na siłę układów graczy.


Strit od dziesiątki do Asa.


Okres w trakcie turnieju pokerowego,  tuż przed dotarciem do strefy miejsc płatnych.

Burn (palenie kart)

Czynność polegająca na odłożeniu kary z góry talii przed każdą rundą licytacji


Utrata wszystkich żetonów, inaczej eliminacja z turnieju.


Najczęściej krążek wskazujący pozycję dealera przy stole.


Kwota za jaką można dołączyć do gry cash lub turnieju. Łączna ilość wpisowych tworzy pulę nagród, która następnie dzielona jest na uczestników turnieju.

Buy short

Wpisanie się do gry za kwotę mniejszą niż ustalone wpisowe.




Sprawdzenie zagrania dokonanego przez innego zawodnika.

Calling station

Gracz, który często sprawdza zagrania innych graczy, ale rzadko wykonuje przebicie. Gracz calling station jest zazwyczaj pasywny.


Limit przebić dozwolonych w danej rundzie betowania, zwykle trzy lub cztery (poza zakładem otwierającym). W większości kasyn, CAP jest zdejmowany jeżeli tylko dwóch graczy pozostaje w rozdaniu w jego początkowej fazie.

Cap game

Podobnie do pojęcia CAP, ale odnosi się do gry Pot Limit lub No Limit. Określa limit kwoty, za którą może zagrać dany zawodnik w trakcie trwania rozdania. Po osiągnięciu CAP, wszyscy pozostający w rozdaniu gracze uznawani są za graczy na all-inie.

Cash game

Gra w której żetony są „prawdziwą gotówką” w odróżnieniu od turniejów, gdzie za określone wpisowe otrzymuje się daną ilość żetonów.


Otrzymać kartę potrzebną do skompletowania drawa.

Catch up

Skutecznie skompletowanie drawa, które pozwoliło pokonać rywala, który wcześniej dysponował lepszym układem.

Center pot

Główna pula przy stole, kiedy jeden lub więcej graczy jest na all-inie.


Sprawdzenie zakładu z drawem, w celu zobaczenia kolejnej karty, gdy pot oddsy na to nie pozwalają.  Kontynuowanie gry z drawem przez kilka rund licytacji z małymi szansami na skompletowanie układu. Kontynuacja gry z ręką, która prawdopodobnie nie będzie najlepsza.


Ruch nie wymagający inwestycji żetonów. Jeżeli nikt przed tobą nie wykonał zakładu, możesz wykonać opcję check.


Podstępne zagranie, w której gracz początkowo czeka z zamiarem przebicia, gdy inny gracz zdecydował się na dokonanie zakładu.


Inaczej żeton.

Chip dumping

Strategia polegająca na przekazaniu wszystkich swoich żetonów innemu graczowi. Jeżeli gracze ustalili takie działanie, jest to postrzegane jako forma zmowy.

Chip leader

Gracz, który w danym momencie posiada największą ilość żetonów turnieju.

Chip up

Wymiana żetonów o niskiej wartości na te o wyższej wartości. W turniejach, termin ten oznacza usunięcie wszystkich żetonów z niskim nominałem z gry.


Podział puli z powodu remisu lub nagród z powodu uzgodnionego podziału puli. Zgoda wszystkich pozostałych graczy w turnieju na podział pozostałej puli nagród zgodnie z ustaloną formułą, zamiast rozgrywania turnieju w normalnym formacie.

Click raise

Dokonanie minimalnego podbicia. Odnosi się do gry w pokera online, w którym gracze klikają przycisk podbicia bez określania kwoty podbicia.

Coin flip

Sytuacja, w której dwóch graczy zainwestowało wszystkie swoje pieniądze w pulę i mają mniej więcej takie same szanse na wygraną.

Cold call

Sprawdzenie za kwotę, która stanowi sumę zakładów lub podbić dokonanych przez więcej niż jednego gracza.


Forma oszustwa polegająca na współpracy dwóch lub większej ilości graczy. Zmowa.

Community card

Odkryta karta na środku stołu. Karta ta może zostać wykorzystana przez wszystkich graczy w celu poprawienia układu.


Dwie lub więcej kart postępujących po sobie lub będących bardzo blisko siebie w hierarchii.


Dwie lub więcej kart postępujących po sobie lub będących bardzo blisko siebie w hierarchii

Continuation bet

Zakład dokonany po flopie przez gracza, który zainicjował akcję przed flopem.


Sytuacja w której gracz trzyma drugi najlepszy układ, który jest uważany za bardzo silny, a mimo wszystko przegrywa wszystkie żetony, niezależnie od sposobu rozegrania ręki.

Crying call

Sprawdzenie mimo faktu, że gracz uważa iż nie ma najlepszej ręki.


Miejsce przy stole, bezpośrednio po prawej stronie od dealera. W grach domowych, gracz siedzący na buttonie tasuje i rozdaje karty, podczas gdy gracz z pozycji Cutoff przekłada karty.



Dead blind

A blind that is not live such that the player posting it does not have the option to raise if other players just call. Usually involves a small blind posted by a player entering, or returning to, a game (in a position other than the big blind) that is posted in addition to a live blind equal to the big blind.


To distribute cards to players in accordance with the rules of the game being played. A single instance of a game of poker beginning from the shuffling of cards and ending with the awarding of the pot; also called a hand. An agreement to split tournament prize money different from the announced payouts.

Deal three times

In a cash game, when two players are involved in a large pot and one is all-in, they might agree to deal the remaining cards three times. Each outcome is worth ⅓ of the pot.


The person dealing the cards. The person who assumes that role for the purpose of betting order in a game, even though someone else might be physically dealing the cards.

Deep stack

A stack of chips that is relatively large for the stakes being played. Also called a big stack.


Making a play that defends the player against a bluff by forcing the suspected bluffer to fold or invest further.


The 2 card. Also called a duck.

Dominated hand

A hand that is extremely unlikely to win against another specific hand, even though it may not be a poor hand in its own right. Most commonly used in Texas Hold ’em.

Donk bet

A bet made in early position by a player who did not take the initiative in the previous betting round. It was named so because this move is often indicative of a weak player (since it is more often reasonable to expect a continuation bet).


A weak player, also known as a fish or a donk.

Double belly buster straight draw

A combination of hole and exposed cards in hold’em or stud games, which does not include four connected cards, but where there are two different ranks of cards that complete a straight.

Double or nothing 

Double or nothing refers to an even money wager in which players either double their money or lose their entire bet. 

Double suited

An Omaha starting hand where two pairs of suited cards are held.

Double up, double through

Usually in a game with a considerable pot size, to bet all of one’s chips on one hand against a single opponent (who has an equal or larger stack) and win, thereby doubling the stack.


A period during which a player loses more than expected.

Draw, drawing hand

A drawing hand is when a player has a chance to improve their hand to something considerably stronger by drawing the required cards on the flop, turn or river.

Drawing dead

Playing a drawing hand that will lose even if completed. Playing a hand that can never improve beyond the opponent’s hand.

Drawing live

Not drawing dead, that is, drawing to a hand that will win if completed.

Drawing thin

Not drawing completely dead, that is, chasing a draw while facing poor odds.


To fold.

Dry ace

An ace in one’s hand with the other hole card not of the same suit; when the board presents a flush possibility and the player does not hold a flush at that time, holding the ace presents some bluffing or semi-bluffing opportunities as well as a redraw in case the flush draw comes on the turn.

Dry board

The texture of the community cards. A board is considered dry when the cards on the table show that it is unlikely or impossible for any player to make a strong hand like a straight or flush.

Dry pot

A side pot with no money created when a player goes all-in and is called by more than one opponent with no subsequent raises. If subsequent betting occurs, the money will go into the dry pot.




One’s mathematical expected value in a current deal, calculated by multiplying the amount of money in the pot by one’s probability of winning. If a split is possible, the equity also includes the probability of winning a split multiplied by the size of that split.


Used in poker to mean profitability in the long run.



Family pot

A deal in which every, or almost every, seated player called the first opening bet.

Fantasy Land

In Open Face Chinese poker, if you meet a certain condition, you get to play a hand in Fantasy Land which gives the player a big advantage.


Aggressive play comparable to speeding.


A hand which, when matched against another in a showdown, has an advantage odds-wise over the other. A hand can be called a small or big favorite depending on how dominating it is in contrast to the underdog, to which the situation is reversed. Favorites are usually used to compare how one player’s two hole cards fare against another player’s two hole cards pre-flop.


The cloth covering of a poker table, regardless of its actual material. Metaphorically, the table itself.


All players as a collective in a large tournament.

Fifth Street

The last card dealt to the board in community card games. Also known as the river.


To successfully draw a hand that needs one card to complete it by getting the last card of a straight, flush, or full house.

Final table

The last table in a multi-table poker tournament. The final table is set when a sufficient number of people have been eliminated from the tournament leaving a specific amount of players to occupy one table (typically no more than ten players).

First position

Also known as under the gun. The player in first position must act first on the first round of betting.


A weak player. To chase draws holding a weak hand especially when facing aggressive players.

Flat call

A call in a situation in which one might be expected to raise.


Calling a bet with the intention of bluffing in a later betting round.


The dealing of the first three face-up cards to the board, also referring to those three cards themselves.


A hand comprising five cards of the same suit, not in sequential rank. It sits below a full house and above a straight. 


To discard one’s hand and forfeit shares, if any, in the current pot. It involves placing your cards face down on the table, and is done when you feel your hand is too weak to compete against other players. 

Fold equity

The portion of the pot one expects to win on average by placing a bet that induces your opponents to fold, rather than seeing the showdown.


Four cards of the same suit. A non-standard poker hand in some games, while an incomplete drawing hand in most.

Four of a kind

A hand containing four cards of equal rank. Also known as quads.


Four cards in rank sequence; either an open-ender or one-ender. A non-standard poker hand in some games, while an incomplete drawing hand in most. Sometimes four to a straight.

Fourth Street

The fourth card dealt to the board in community card games. Also called the turn.

Free card

A card dealt to one’s hand (or to the board of community cards) after a betting round in which no player opened. One is thereby being given a chance to improve one’s hand without having to pay anything.


A poker event with no buy-in.


The most common form of tournament. There are no rebuys, and play continues until one player has all the chips.

Full house

A hand with three cards of one rank and two of a second rank. Also known as a boat or tight.

Full ring

A full ring game is a cash game with more than six involved players, typically nine to eleven. This term is normally used in the context of online poker.



Gap hand

Here’s your one-stop-shop for table spiel. An entire glossary of all the well-known phrases, puns and names required to see you through to the final table.

Get away

To fold a strong hand against a supposedly superior hand.


A player who earns a living by making small profits over a long period of consistent, conservative play.


Inside straight draw by one possible card. The opposite of an open-ended straight, which is completed by any one of two cards from the outside. 




Five cards made up of a player’s opening pair and the community cards. 

Hand history

The textual representation of a hand(s) played.

Heads up poker

Refers to playing against a single opponent, meaning there’s one pot that is being contested by two players.

Hero call

Calling when a player has a relatively weak hand but suspects his or her opponent may be bluffing.

High card

A no pair hand, ranked according to its highest-ranking cards.

High roller

A high roller is a gambler who frequently plays in high stakes tournaments and consistently wagers large amounts. 

Hijack seat

The seat to the right of the cutoff seat, or second to the right of the button. In tournaments, this is generally considered to be the easiest position to steal the blinds, hence the name.

Hole cards

Face-down cards. Also known as pocket cards.


A player financially backed by someone else.



Implied odds

Relates to taking future calls from fellow players into account when drawing to something. Speculative rather than concrete. 


To achieve a better hand than what one currently holds by adding or exchanging cards as provided in the rules of the game being played.

In position

A player is said to be in position if the player is last to act on the flop, turn, or river betting rounds.

In the money

To finish high enough in a poker tournament to win prize money.

In turn

A player is said to be in turn if that player is expected to act next under the rules.


A bet or raise made with the intention of isolating a player to play heads up.




A hand with very little to no expected value.




Also known as a side card, the kicker is a card that doesn’t determine the rank of the hand, but can be used to break ties. If you share the same hand with another player at showdown, the highest kicker wins the pot. 




A loose aggressive style of play in which a player plays a lot of starting hands and makes many small raises in hopes of out-playing his or her opponents.

Last to act

A player is last to act if all players between the player and the button have folded.


The act of folding a strong hand in anticipation of superior opposition, often depicted as a difficult decision.


The player who makes the last bet or raise in a round of betting is said to have the lead at the start of the next round. Can also be used as a verb meaning to bet out into the pot, or to lead into the pot.


Used in tournament play to refer to the size of the blinds that are periodically increased.


A hand that is not likely to be the best, usually used as an action descriptor (i.e. call light, or three-bet light).


The minimum or maximum amount of a bet.

Limp, limp in

To enter a pot by simply calling a bet instead of raising.


A reraise from a player that previously limped in the same betting round.

Live bet

A bet posted by a player under conditions that gives him or her the option to raise, typically because it was posted as a blind or straddle.

Live cards

A player’s hand is said to contain live cards if matching either of them on the board would give that player the lead over his or her opponent; typically refers to a hand that is weak, but not dominated.

Live hand

A hand still eligible to win the pot; one with remaining live cards that has not been mucked or otherwise invalidated in order to complete and possibly win the hand.

Live game

A game with a lot of action.


To play more hands than one’s normal play style or the average player in the game.


The lowest card by rank




A measure of the health of a chip stack as a function of the cost to play each round.

Made hand

A hand that does not need improvement to win.


A very loose and aggressive player, who bets and raises frequently, and often in situations where it is not good strategy to do so.

Match the pot

To bet an amount equal to all the chips in the pot.


Poker games with stakes so small that real cardrooms could not profit from them, are said to be at the micro-limit level.

Middle pair

In a community card game, making a pair with neither the highest nor lowest card of the community cards.

Missed blind

A required bet that is not posted when it is a player’s turn to do so, perhaps occurring when a player is not present on the table. Various rules require the missed bet to be made up upon the player’s return.

Move in

In a no-limit game, to move in or to go all-in means to bet one’s entire stake on the hand in play.


To fold. The discard pile.

Multi-way pot

A pot where several players compete for it. Also known as a family pot, although a family pot sometimes refers to a pot where all players participate.




A player who is unwilling to take risks and plays only premium hands in the top range.

No Limit

Rules designating that players are allowed to wager any or all of their chips in a single bet.


When a player only has the possibility of a high card and no other hand that will win.

Nut hand

The nut hand is the best possible hand in a given situation. Players sometimes evaluate hands by ranking them as being the second nuts or the pure nuts.



Off suit

Cards that are not of the same suit.


A variant of Texas Hold’em in which players receive four cards and must use two of them with three of the five board cards to make a hand. 


To bet first to enter the pot.

Open-ended straight draw

An outside straight draw. Also known as a two-way straight draw or double-ended straight draw.


Games characterised by a part of each player’s hand being exposed. 

Open limp

Being the first person in the pot pre-flop, but not raising.


An optional bet or draw. The right to raise possessed by the big blind if there have been no raises.


A full rotation of the blinds at a table, equal to the number of people at the table.


Cards needed to make a certain player win the hand.

Out of position

A player is said to be out of position, if they are either first to act, or is not last to act in a betting round.


To make a bet that is more than the size of the pot in a no limit game.


To call a bet after others have called.

Over card

A community card with a higher rank than a player’s pocket pair. A higher card.


A pocket pair with a higher rank than the highest community card.




Any royal card.


Two cards of the same rank.


A style of play characterized by checking and calling.

Pay off

To call a bet when the player is most likely drawing dead because the pot odds justify the call.

Penny ante

Games representing frivolous to low stakes, or for fun-only games; a game where no significant stake is likely to change hands.

Play the board

If one’s best hand during showdown is on the board without the use of hole cards, then the player is said to play the board.

Pocket cards

Same as hole cards. The cards in your hand that aren’t part of the community cards. Also known as hole cards. 

Pocket pair

When two of a player’s hole cards make a pair.

Poker face

A player’s blank facial expression that does not reveal any information about his or her cards.

Position bet

A bet that is made more due to the strength of the bettor’s position than the strength of the bettor’s cards.


To make the required small or big blind bet in Texas Hold’em or other games played with blinds rather than antes.


The amount of all the players’ bets in a given hand. Winner of the hand takes the entire pot.


More often in the context of a no limit game, a situation where one can no longer fold because the size of the pot is so large compared to the size of one’s stack.

Pot odds

The ratio of the amount of money in the pot to the amount of money needed to call the current bet. If the pot holds $100 and it will cost you $20 to call, the pot is laying you 5-to-1 odds.


The point in which players have been dealt their hole cards but no flop has been dealt.

Probe bet

After the flop is dealt, a bet made by a player, who did not take the lead pre-flop, to gain knowledge about the strength of opponents’ cards.

Protected pot

A pot that seems impossible to win by bluffing because too many players are committed and/or the chances of another player either calling on the river or raising beyond measure are highly likely.


The total prize pool in a poker tournament.


To bet all-in.

Put on

To put on a hand is to deduce what hand or range of hands opponents may have based on their actions and gameplay style.




Four of a kind.



Rabbit hunt

After a hand is completed, to reveal cards that would have been dealt subsequently had it continued. 


A poor player. To make calls based on the hopes of hitting runner-runner, inside, or backdoor draws.


Same as a coin flip.


A low-valued and presumably worthless card.


A non-participatory spectator of a poker game.


Three or four cards of different suits, especially said of a flop. Betting a rainbow is to make a bet of one chip of each color currently in play.


Rebate or repayment to a player, which is a portion of the rake paid by that player.

Range of hands

A range of possible cards that a player considers an opponent may have.


An amount of chips purchased after the initial buy-in. In some tournaments, players are allowed to rebuy chips more than once for a limited period after the start of the game, provided that their stack is equal to or under its initial level.


To deal a hand again, possibly after a misdeal.


To make one hand and have a draw for a better hand. The second or subsequent draw(s) in a draw game with multiple draws.


To represent a hand is to play as if the player actually holds it whether it is or not.


Raise after one has been raised. Also known as coming over the top.


The river or river card is the final card dealt in a poker hand, followed by a final round of betting and, if necessary, a showdown. The river is the fifth and last community card to be dealt, after the flop and turn. A player losing the pot due to the river card is said to have been rivered.


A very tight player.


An expert player who travels around seeking out high-stakes games.

Royal cards

Royal cards are also known as face cards or picture cards. These cards consist of the jack, queen, and king of any suit.

Royal flush

A straight flush of the top five cards of any suit. This is generally the highest possible hand.

Run it three times

A gentleman’s agreement, not allowed in some poker rooms, where the players (usually two) agree to draw each remaining card(s) to come in three different occasions/runs instead of just once after all parties have gone all-in. The winner of each run takes 1/3 of the pot. Running it three times is done to minimize bad beats and reduce bankroll swings.


A hand made by hitting two consecutive cards on the turn and river.


A prolonged winning streak. A player who has won several big pots recently is said to be on a rush.




A tournament in which the prize is a free entrance to another (larger) tournament.

Scare card

A card dealt face up (either to a player in a game such as stud or to the board in a community card game) that could create a strong hand for someone.


To win all three rows in Open Faced Chinese Poker.

Second pair

In community card poker games, a pair of cards of the second-top rank on the board. Second pair is a middle pair, but not necessarily vice-versa.


When a player bluffs on one round of betting with an inferior or drawing hand that might improve in a later round.


Three of a kind, especially a situation where two of the cards are concealed in the player’s hole cards.


A professional player.


A poker tournament format where the last remaining player of a table goes on to play the remaining players of other tables. Each table plays independently of the others; that is, there is no balancing as players are eliminated.

Short buy

In no limit poker, to buy into a game for considerably less money than the stated maximum buy in, or less than other players at the table have in play.

Short stack

A stack of chips that is relatively small for the stakes being played.


A poker game that is played with six players or fewer, as opposed to a full ring game, which is usually nine or ten players. A tournament where all tables are shorthanded at all times is called a short table tournament.


When, if more than one player remains after the last betting round, remaining players expose and compare their hands to determine the winner or winners.

Side pot

A separate pot created to deal with the situation of one player going “all in”.

Sit & Go

A poker tournament with no scheduled starting time that starts whenever the necessary players have put up their money.

Slow play

To play a strong hand as if it were weak to trick your opponents.

Smooth call

Same as flat call


To intentionally go easy on a player. Soft play is expressly prohibited in most card rooms, and may result in penalties ranging from forced sit-outs to forfeiture of stakes or winnings.

Squeeze play

A bluff reraise in no limit hold’em with less-than-premium cards, after another player or players have already called the original raise. The goal is to bluff everyone out of the hand and steal the bets.


The total chips and currency that a player has in play at a given moment. A collection of 20 poker chips of the same denomination, usually arranged in an orderly column.


The amount one buys in for and can bet.


Staking is the act of one person putting up cash for a poker player to play with or investing in that player’s action in hopes that the player wins. Any profits are split on a predetermined percentage between the backer and the player. A backed player is often known as a horse.

Starting hand

Hole card hands that players can start with.


Betting and winning the hand pre-flop and taking the blinds is called stealing the blinds.


A state of anger, mental confusion, or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in poor play. Same as tilt.

Stop and go

When a player bets into another player who has previously raised or otherwise shown aggression.


To post a bet two times or more the size of the big blind when sitting on the left of the big blind before looking at his/her hole cards. By straddling, the player is able to act last preflop.


A street is another term for a dealt card or betting round.


A structured betting system is one where the spread of the bets may change from round to round.

Suck out

A situation when a hand heavily favored to win loses to an inferior hand after all the cards are dealt. The winning hand is said to have sucked out.


Having the same suit.

Suited connectors

Connecting cards with the same suit.

Super Satellite

A multi-table poker tournament in which the prize is a free entrance to a satellite tournament or a tournament in which all the top finishers gain entrance to a larger tournament.




A tight aggressive style of play in which a player plays a small number of strong starting hands, but when in pots plays aggressively.

Tainted outs

Cards that improve a hand so that it is better than the other current hands, but simultaneously improve other hands even more.


A tell in poker is a detectable change in a player’s behavior or demeanor that gives clues to that player’s assessment of their hand.


How well coordinated the community cards are to one another. This is used to estimate relative hand strength.

Three bet

To be the first player to put in a third unit of betting.

Three of a kind

A poker hand made with three cards of the same number.

Tie in 

Two hands of equal value at showdown. When hands are tied it means they split the pot equally. 


To play fewer hands than average for the game or for the player normally.


Emotionally upset, mental confusion, or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in poor play.

To go

The amount that a player is required to call in order to stay in the hand.

Top kicker

In community card poker games, top kicker is the best possible kicker to some given hand.

Top pair

In community card poker games, top pair is a pair comprising a pocket card and the highest-ranking card on the board.

Top two

A two pair, matching the highest-ranking two flop cards.


A poker event involving one or more tables of players who compete until they’ve lost their tournament chips, or are the last player remaining. You are in a tournament until it concludes. 


When one of a player’s hole cards in Texas hold’em connect with two cards on the board to make three of a kind. This differs from a set where three of a kind is made when a pocket pair connects with one card on the flop to make three of a kind.


A type of tournament where the blind levels increase much faster than in standard play.


The turn, turn card or fourth street is the fourth of five cards dealt to a community card board, constituting one face-up community card that each of the players in the game can use to make up their final hand.



Under the gun

The position directly left of the blinds in Texas hold’em or Omaha. The player who is under the gun must act first on the first round of betting.


An underdog or dog is a player with a smaller chance to win than another specified player. Frequently used when the exact odds are expressed.


A full house made where the three of a kind has lower-ranking cards than the pair.


When used with a card rank to describe a poker hand, refers to two pair with the named card being the higher pair.


A card that is played face up.


A period during which a player wins more (or loses less) than expected.

Up the ante

Increase the stakes.



Value bet

A bet made by a player who wants it to be called (as opposed to a bluff or protection bet).


The statistical measure of how far actual results differ from expectation.


Voluntary put money in pot. Represents the percentage of hands with which a player puts money into the pot pre-flop, without counting any blind postings. VPIP is an excellent measure of how tight or loose a player is.



Wake up

To “wake up with a hand” means to discover a strong starting hand, often when there has already been action in front of the player.


A walk is a situation where all players fold to the big blind.


To mix the deck by spreading the cards face down on the table and mixing them up.

Weak ace

An ace with a low kicker. Also called small ace, soft ace, or ace-rag.

Weak player

A player who is easily bullied out of a hand post-flop by any sort of action.

Webcam poker

A form of online poker which allows players to watch each other during play via a webcam.

Wet board

A wet board is when the cards on the table make it possible for players to have hit strong hands.

Window card

The window card is the first card shown when the dealer puts out the three cards for the flop.


In Omaha, an open ended straight draw comprising two board cards and three or four cards from a player’s hand.